As Valentine's Day approaches, I can't help but get a knot in the pit of my stomach with remembered anticipation. My mind is transported back to almost 45 years ago when by this time (February 9) I would have already located a shoe box (perfect on all corners) and began cutting red & pink hearts of all sizes, collecting stickers or pictures of cute cuddly bears and arrow ready cupids, paper doilies, white or pink wrapping paper, and anything else that would make my special box unique. That prized "Valentine's Box" that would hold messages of "Love"! Of course we all wanted to win the prize for the prettiest box... but that wasn't the main goal. No, this was a matter of the heart!

We each knew how many mates were in our class - so the perfect Valentine card with just the right saying on it was chosen for each one. My mom always made sure no one was left out because she had watched her little girl cry on the occasion when I would realize that "child X" had not given me a Valentine, but had given to everyone else in the class. She always assured me that if this happened - it was an oversight (mom's do that you know). Even the words on the back that were written before our names - were of utmost importance. Most were signed: “Your friend, Sylvia”... OH, but there were usually a few that rated the words: “Love, Sylvia!” You had to be my very special or best friend to merit “LOVE” or be that little fellow whom I always tapped on the shoulder when we would sing...
"Blue Bird, Blue Bird, through my window - Blue Bird, Blue Bird through my window, Blue Bird, Blue Bird through my window, Oh Johnny are you tired?
Take a little boy and tap him on the shoulder, take a little boy and tap him on the shoulder, take a little boy and tap him on the shoulder, Oh Johnny are you tired?"
Before the day of school ended, the teacher would allow each of us to go get those prized boxes - remove the lid - and place our hands on the long awaited words written on the cards. It was always such a treat to view the different types of cards found for the year. Most were ones we had all sorted through at K-Mart or Hills Department Store... but on occasion someone had found a box of unique cards that caused some excitement in the classroom. Other times there would be someone who got creative and made lovely handmade cards. To the little girls these details were important - but of most importance was what they said, and what was written on the back. Each card was read with care and oft times you would hear a groan, an "ol' brother", or a giggle. Before we put our boxes in our book-bags, ready to go home... they were always counted to make sure no one had left us out. That was how you could tell if someone was mad at you at the time... LOL!
On this Valentine’s Day my wish for each of you is this: that your Valentine’s Box will win the prize, it will be full to the max of special words from special people in your life, that you will never feel left out, and that your heart will be filled with “LOVE”!
Here's my special Valentine to each of you... signed: "Love, Sylvia"