And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? (Exodus 4:2a)
It seems that in every Bible Study that I do the Lord reveals to me that I am way too focused and fretful over the "HOW'S", "WHAT'S", "WHERE'S", and "WHY'S"... when it is only the "WHO" that matters. Life would be so much simpler and less stressful if I'd master this one concept. Ah, but then, I find myself not wanting to do this because of fear and my desire to retain "some control." Those are the times I must learn the same lesson over and over, again and again --- to trust God. "Letting go" of my own agenda is a daily battle for me.

Once when I shared this with one of my "Bible Study Buddies" - she reminded me of the saying from the 90's... "Let Go & Let God" --- it is sad that you are holding onto control and knowing that freedom is just a "let go" away.
Each of us may be holding onto something totally different (control, a certain sin, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc.) but the result is the same. We are captured - we live in bondage. We must be willing to "let go" of whatever we have tightly clutched in our hands, so that our hands will be free to receive God's grace.
Nothing in my hand I bring.
Simply to Thy cross I cling:
(Beginning of 3rd Verse of "Rock of Ages" by Augustus M. Toplady)
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free , and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1)
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