Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the Kings horses
And all the Kings men,
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty
Together again!
So many things in this life "Rise and Fall"... just like Humpty Dumpty. Temperatures go up and a cool front moves in - temperatures fall; flowers work their blooms out of the ground - frost or time settle on them and they fall; the DOW has a good day and the "Stock Market" rises - depressions happen and the climbing numbers and profits fall; harsh words are spoken and anger rises - apologies are made and calmness falls; a blockbuster movie is released and a Star's Fame rises - then tabloids tell lies or secrets and their fame falls; and the list could go on with examples of Empires, Fortunes, Bank Balances, Egos, Popularity, Prices, Airplanes, Hot-air balloons, etc. In this familiar Nursery Rhyme not a lot of information is told of Mr. Dumpty's character or how he rose to the status of sitting high upon that wall - but we do learn of the untimely plight of his great fall. We also learn that when found on the ground his first thought was to turn to the government or to men to fix his quandary (many in our society do the same - but I will not linger here), to no avail.
It is "human nature" to want to be at the "top of the wall"! In doing my Bible Study "Walking by Faith" this week - Jennifer Rothschild brought out three very important points that made me think of Humpty and to ponder the "Rise and Fall" issue. Humpty was on the "Rise" first then came the "fall" - but in the spiritual world we must "Fall" first - then the "Rise" transpires.
- If I desire to rise with the presence of the Lord... I must first fall before Him in worship.
- If I desire to rise with strength... I must first fall before Him in weakness.
- If I desire to rise with purity... I must first fall before Him in repentance.

No matter where we find ourselves this very moment - whether at the "top of the wall"
or in a "heap on the ground" at the bottom of it - the King, his horses, nor his men
are the answer: Our only hope lies in the redeeming and restoring grace of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
or in a "heap on the ground" at the bottom of it - the King, his horses, nor his men
are the answer: Our only hope lies in the redeeming and restoring grace of
the Lord Jesus Christ.
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