for the place where thou standest is holy ground."
Acts 7:33 KJV

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today while I was out doing my Thanksgiving Dinner shopping... I was a little confused as to the Holiday we are about to celebrate.  The Salvation Army bell ringers were out and wishing those of us who dropped money in their little red buckets... Merry Christmas.  Poinsettias greeted me stacked like a Christmas Tree when I entered the store's double automated doors... Christmas stocking stuffers and Christmas candy lined several aisles... and Christmas music was playing in the Electronics Department.  As I walked through the Ladies Apparel the first article of clothing was a festive Red Sweater with candy-canes dancing on it's bodice... then peeking through the Men's Department, I was faced with "Santa Boxers"... and Rudolph "red nose" socks.  

I looked at my list and checked it twice to make sure what I was shopping for!  Stuffing... Gravy... Sweet Potatoes... etc.  Yep, I'm here because of Thanksgiving!

I'm not being a scrooge... I LOVE CHRISTMAS... but just haven't got that "Jingle Bell" spirit as of yet!  Also if you have... I'm not knocking it!  I just want to savor Thanksgiving first - then I'll prepare to "deck the halls" and bring out the Christmas decor.

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."  (Psalm 100:4)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


The anticipated package arrived... day before yesterday... and again I am amazed at the Lord's timing!  I had heard so much about the book:  "one thousand gifts" by Ann Voskamp.  The Amazon box was opened and out fell three copies of the book.  I love reading and when I find a wonderful book... I like to share... so that is the reason for the three copies.  Yesterday the journey through the white crisp pages began.  By the end of the second chapter --- I had grown a love for my new "favorite word"... EUCHARISTEO... the Greek word for "thanksgiving" or "giving of thanks"!  Actually as the writer breaks down this word it contains (grace, thanksgiving, and joy) all packed neatly in its 11 consonants and vowels.  How appropriate for the time of year we are in.... fall - November - the month of Thanksgiving.... Oh, but I feel the Lord has much more for me in the pages of this little book than just something for this time of year.

I have pondered much on this excerpt from Chapter 1:
"Standing before that tree, laden with fruit withheld, we listen to Evil's murmur, "In the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened..." (Genesis 3:5 NASB).  But in the beginning, our eyes were already open.  Our sight was perfect.  Our vision let us see a world spilling with goodness.  Our eyes fell on nothing but the glory of God.  We saw God as He truly is: good.  But we were lured by the deception that there was more to a full life, there was more to see.  And, true, there was more to see: the ugliness we hadn't beheld, the sinfulness we hadn't witnessed, the loss we hadn't known."
I have often thought of all the things lost in the Garden of Eden... but had never really considered that this is the place where the catalyst of all sin began:  "ingratitude!"  In the following words - I found my "cynical self":
"We eat.  And, in an instant, we are blind.  No longer do we see God as one we can trust.  No longer do we perceive Him as wholly good.  No longer do we observe all of the remaining paradise.  We eat.  And, in an instant, we see.  Everywhere we look, we see a world of lack, a universe of loss, a cosmos of scarcity and injustice."
Is it ever enough... do I always want more... something bigger... better... newer... do I compare my blessings to those of others... do I really view God as always GOOD????  In just the few chapters that I've read - I've had to face the reality that there are things that I'm grateful for - but just the same - there are things that I'm not satisfied with - times I've asked WHY - times I've asked WHY ME - times I've asked WHY NOT ME - I complain and gripe - I'm often afraid - I worry --- and the list goes on.  I have had to admit that I am also that person that she mentioned:  someone who is "born again but still so much in need of being "born anew!"

"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  (1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV) 
"Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world."  ~Sarah Ban Breathnach
I look forward to reading, as Paul Harvey would say... "the rest of the story" ;)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Five busy bulldozers,
Friends so keen and strong.
They lift and dig and zoom about,
Working all day long!

When our first grandchild "Jackson" was born... "boy toys" again began to appear in the toy boxes of our home, and books about dump trucks, airplanes, boats, and bulldozers!  All the things "little boys" like.  The other day while pulling out the stash of story-books because the grandkids are home from Thailand... I happened upon the "Busy Bulldozer" book, purchased for Jack several years ago, and I read it one more time.

Today while going to meet a special friend for lunch I was early for the appointment, and so I sat and watched a busy bulldozer hard at work on a site being made ready for a new building.  While sitting there and contemplating the work the bulldozer was doing and watching it's movement... I couldn't help but think... I wonder if that dirt - that has been there for possibly hundreds of years really wanted to be moved??  Or that tree that had grown it's roots deep into the fertile soil was ready to be knocked over??  Then I thought of times when people have made me feel "bulldozed" by their pushy attitude, boisterous spirit, or just their presence.  Times when I've felt pushed out of a situation that I wasn't ready to make an exit... or times when I was accomplishing a task and felt someone moved in and pushed me over... accomplishing their own agenda... or just felt belittled by a persons attitude.

There was a time in my life during my "younger" years that I was probably the "bulldozer"... but after years of mellowing, aging, and "wimping out" - I am a lot more like the tree or the dirt.  When I find myself in these situations... I often hang my head and retreat to safety - while tears flow for my feelings of insecurity, rejection, and hurt. 

Somewhere central in the swing of the pendulum between "bulldozer" and "dirt" is where I'd like to rest.  Finding strength and boldness in and from the Lord but accomplishing my tasks with love, caring, and humility...  Never making others feel "pushed out" - "scooped up" - nor "bulldozed over."

Ephesians 3:12  "In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him."

Psalm 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him."