Can evangelism be creative? We rarely hear those two words used together in the same sentence. Wonder why that is? When it comes to evangelism we often stick with what is customary (a gospel tract, our personal testimony, the Roman’s Road, a Wordless Book), and all of those are good, but what if you want to think outside the box or the Lord is leading you to "think outside the box." The message never changes but methods never cease to change.
Thus comes in to play the items mentioned above.... The Lord has blessed me with a new friend named Jana that I have quite quickly grown to enjoy her fellowship. She has an Uncle Ernest that I've never met but for some reason the Lord has burdened my heart greatly for this dear man. He is from the mountains of Virginia and is in a Hospice Center nearing the end of his life. Jana is the closest living relative to Uncle Ernest and is the one responsible for his care. She has numerous times tried to share the gospel with him, but he always stops her from talking about the Lord. He has a "sweet tooth" and his favorite items to curb that craving are: Orange Slice Candy, Circus Peanuts, and Orange Candy Sticks! I have found that "Cracker Barrel" sell all three - so I am keeping Uncle Ernest stocked in his favorite pleasures. Along with each box that I've mailed to this precious man... I have asked the Lord to give me a unique way of sharing the gospel with him that will not be offensive. He played the guitar for years - so I have sent him poems about the "Old Violin" and about "The Old Guitar" and shared how they were brought to life by the touch of the Master's Hand... also I wrote him a story about us walking hand in hand down the "Roman's Road," explaining all the sights we saw, and me telling him of my "special friend" who has changed my life! Each time praying that the Lord would make his heart tender. Although I may never meet Uncle Ernest in person here on earth... I hope to one day meet him in Heaven.
I'm asking all those who read my blog to please add this dear man (Ernest Marshall) to your prayer list... and will you pray for me as I use the Orange Slice Candy, Circus Peanuts, and Orange Candy Sticks... to show Christ's love to him... that the Lord will also give me the words and unique ideas of how to share the Gospel message in ways that he will not be offended. Pray he will receive it!
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