for the place where thou standest is holy ground."
Acts 7:33 KJV

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ridding the Clutter

Just a couple weeks ago... I began the immense task of cleaning out my closets - ridding them of clothes I never wear, or clothes that I "dream" of wearing again one day, shoes that hurt my feet but look cute and match a particular outfit, purses that I'll never carry again - because I carry them till I'm tired of them - then I change and usually never go back.  Steve has one closet in our bedroom and I have one - but I also have the two closets in the two guest bedrooms... UGH... so this was quite an undertaking :)  All three relatively full of a whole lot of... "I have nothing to wear!"

Today while doing my Bible Study "No Other Gods", I found it no coincident that the lesson was on "ridding our hearts and lives of clutter."  Why do we fill our life with so many things that weigh us down?  Things we never use.  Thoughts that hold us back.  Habits that limit us.  Distractions that derail us.  Negative people that drain us.  Fear that paralyzes us.  And countless time zappers that sabotage our performance and productivity.  There is also valuable room being wasted in our hearts because things that have built up in it may be too old, too outdated, too big for us to deal with alone, and even too small to matter in our lives.  In the "spiritual closets" of our heart we allow clutter to build up:  feelings of hurt, resentment, hatred, jealousy, apathy, dissatisfaction, bitterness, etc.

We need to let some OLD STUFF go!  Create more room for qualities of Christ that we can use daily... such as love, mercy upon others, compassion, understanding, humbleness, and forgiveness.  God has shown me that not only my "physical closet" needs a good cleaning (which I have accomplished), but so does my "spiritual closet" (which I continue to work on).  MAKING ROOM FOR THE GOOD STUFF!

Lord, Search the corners, closets, and hidden areas of my heart.  Reveal to me the things that need to be "cleaned-out" from my life... making more room for YOU!  Amen 

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

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