for the place where thou standest is holy ground."
Acts 7:33 KJV

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Scars, Scrapes, and Dents

Yesterday as my son and I sat chatting about this blog's inception, he pointed out to me that so many times we as Christians paint our world through "rose colored glasses."  Often this can be to the point of making others feel "less than" when their world is falling apart.  My desire is that through the writings here, that I will be open and transparent with each of you who take the time to drop in for a visit, take off your shoes, and linger with me for awhile.  I definitely don't have it all together, my world is not always "rosy," and if you get to know me well and get close enough to see... I'm full of scars, scrapes, and dents.  My prayer is that each of you will see the love of God shining through those cracks.  

This is a picture of a piece of pottery which sits on the piano in my home. It is a testimony of my life.  Created by Lufkin Pottery in Seagrove, NC., and called a "Witness Crock."
This crock is perfect on one side like I wish I was and carries the indent of a broken heart on the other, with scrapes, scars and dents that I carry within.  When you light the candle on the inside of the crock, the light shining through represents God's unconditional love for you and me.  

In the Bible Study that I am currently working through... "Soul Shaping" by Stephen W. Smith, he points out that there are 4 steps in the "Transformation Process."  
1) Form  2) Re-form  3) Transform  4) Conform  

I find myself located in this process... somewhere between "reforming" and "transforming".  Oh how I need to grasp the fact that "It depends upon God - and not ME!"  When I think that it depends on ME - THE PROCESS FAILS.  God uses people, places, events, circumstances, and encounters to shape us.  And HIS LOVE can shine through all our scars, scrapes, and dents.

Guess you can say.... these are the musings of a "Crackpot"!

1 comment:

  1. You amaze me sweet lady. Keep up the good work. B
