for the place where thou standest is holy ground."
Acts 7:33 KJV

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Just this past week I had the wonderful privilege of having a very dear friend of over 20 years come from the Charlotte area for a visit.  Lunch out - visiting and catching up over blackberry tea for a couple of hours - then the rest of the evening till late - up the next morning hardly ceasing to take a break - continuing the heart-to-heart chatter.  So much to talk about... so little time!

I couldn't help but ponder the thought of the distinct contrast between the "friendships of women" and those of men.  Even as you watch children interacting on a playground you see the dissimilarity between girls and boys.  Little girls will whisper, hold hands, hug, and babble incessantly.  Little boys will play together usually never touching, and talking only about the toys they are playing with, or the instructions on how to build a better road for their matchbox cars, or the best way to make them go faster.

I will never forget when my children were old enough to go on school or church trips, you could plan on putting Jessica in a room with 3 - 5 other girls, sharing 2 beds and that was fine.  Not so for the boys!  Stephen Jr. would be willing to sleep in the bathtub or on the floor, rather than to share a motel bed with another boy.

In traveling to "ladies retreats" over the years, we could always plan 4 ladies to a room and before the sun went down... you may have 8 ladies (or more) in that room, piled on the two beds, sharing personal experiences and stories till the wee hours of the morning.  Again, not so on a "men's retreat"!  Most of the men prefer a private room but may be willing to share a room with one other man --- if you would guarantee him there were 2 beds in the room.

When Steve & I go out for the evening with another couple who are dear friends; if I or the other lady get up to go to the restroom to powder our nose or freshen our lipstick --- we usually will invite the other to come along.  Considering this, I can't help but chuckle at the thought of one of the guys getting up to go to the restroom and asking; "Hey Donnie, I'm gonna go pee... do you want to come along"???? I can hear the reply now:  "UUUUU... I think I'm good - you go ahead" (said with eyebrows raised and a hint of shock in the voice)!

The friendships of women seem to be on a much deeper intimate level.  For me, there is nothing more enjoyable than a day with a special friend.  I have often commented that I think a good girlfriend is as therapeutic as "Prozac!"  There are friends in our lives who I truly feel are "precious gifts, given to us by God."  You often hear the expression "bosom buddy" used... I wonder if whomever coined that phrase felt... you had to have a "bosom" to experience friendship to it's fullest potential?



  1. Thankful God made us all so different. He is a wonderful creator!

  2. This is another of my favorites.There's nothing more therapeutic than a good ole dose of 'girl talk.' Some of my best memories are of the 'bosom' nature...just warm and fuzzy to 'snuggle in' to the heart and soul of another female...we are after all, nurturers by nature...God knew we would need each other, even for a short stint in the powder room together. Love this post and love you, little Sis.

  3. Sylvia, I love this one. I cherish the friendships I have had. Some have lasted a lifetime. It makes me want to grab my flannel nightgown and sleeping bag and go to Goldie's house. I will stop by and get Kathy on the way. LOL
